62 Year वाग्मती प्रदेश Lalitpur
कतिको लोकप्रिय/अलोकप्रिय छन्? चिरिबाबु महर्जन
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उनले २०७४ देखि हालसम्म ललितपुर महानगरपालिकाको मेयरको रुपमा काम गर्दै आएका छन् । उहाँले धेरै उल्लेखनीय कार्यहरू गरिरहनुभएको छ र उहाँको कार्यकालमा बाँकी कामहरू जारी राख्ने र पूरा गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता छ। उनले ललितपुरलाई स्मार्ट सिटी बनाउने र स्मार्ट सडक बत्ती जडान गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता जनाएका छन् । उनले ललितपुरमा ३२ किलोमिटर साइकल लेन निर्माणको पनि पहल गरेका छन् । उनको पहलमा ‘ग्रीन’ र ‘ब्लू’ आयोजना नामक कार्यक्रम चलिरहेको छ । ‘हरियो’ भन्नाले ललितपुरका तीनवटा खुला ठाउँ वरिपरि पारदर्शी बार लगाउने काम सम्पन्न गरेको हरियाली हो । ‘निलो’ आयोजनाअन्तर्गत धेरै पोखरीको जीर्णोद्धार पूरा गरिसकेका छन् । उनीहरुले पिम्बाहाल पोखरीलाई मेट्रो र पूर्णचण्डी पोखरीमा नमुना जलविद्युतको रुपमा पुनर्निर्माण गरेका हुन् ।
He joined the Nepali Congress party in 1989. Maharjan has been elected three times as a ward chairperson from Lalitpur Municipality. He has built many gardens and parks and plans to implement a fusion project combining both the green and blue aspects. In his tenure he has reconstructed 61 historic rest houses and have made them earthquake-resilient. They are also bringing back the stolen idol of Laxmi-Narayan from America which will cosrit will cost US$ 3,000 to ship it back to Nepal and LMC will bear the costs.He plans to go beyond his manifesto and work to fulfil the needs of the city and the citizens. He joined the Nepali Congress party in 1989. Maharjan has been elected three times as a ward chairperson from then Lalitpur Municipality, He joined the Nepali Congress party in 1989. Maharjan has been elected three times as a ward chairperson from then Lalitpur Municipality,